At Delib we continue to grow, driven by strong demand for our democracy platforms, particularly in community engagement and formal consultation.
Newest to the account management team is David, who joins us remotely from Northern Ireland and will be assisting our lovely NI customers. As it’s tradition to moderately embarrass our new recruits, we asked David some very important questions.
What’s your name and where are you from?
Hi, my name is Dave and I currently live in Ballyclare in Northern Ireland, I grew up in Carrickfergus which is only about 10 miles away.
What did you do before you started with us?
I was with a telecommunications company in Belfast for around 18 years. I held various roles but my favourite was being an account manager and getting to meet a lot of the flagship accounts.
What drew you to Delib?
I read the job spec and the role just stood out to me as it was everything I enjoy doing. The fact that the company is genuinely doing something meaningful and for the greater good was the icing on the cake for me!
What’s your favourite film? (Or top three, if you can’t pick just one)
My taste in movies is very random but has to be: Shaun of the Dead, There’s Something About Mary and Aliens.
How have you found starting a new job remotely because of the Thing That’s Been Happening?
To be honest it has been brilliant (bar the ongoing “Thing” which we shall not speak of). Everyone at Delib has been so helpful and welcoming.
Now that restrictions are easing, what are you looking forward to?
Hopefully getting to meet everyone at Delib face to face! Can’t wait for actual drinks in an actual bar with actual people. I have also promised the kids when everything opens again properly we will go to Disneyland, so I better start saving for that one!
What are the best and worst pieces of advice you’ve ever received?
The answer to both is “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission”, that one’s got me both into and out of a lot of trouble!
Anything more to add?
Just a special shout out to Kim and the other Account Managers, Katherine, Nat, Lauren, Jessie, Ceri and Tim for putting up with all of my questions and being so helpful all of the time.
Welcome aboard Dave, we’re happy to have you with us!