Last week, you may have seen some info about Delib’s comms strategy during the coronavirus crisis. If you missed it, see here.

In summary, Delib has a lot of knowledge to share regarding bringing participation processes online, which a lot of public bodies are having to contend with at the moment. We started sharing these resources last week, and this email rounds them up in one place.

On Wednesday, we shared some links on the topic of accessibility:

  • 1. Delib’s guidance on things to consider when conducting public participation solely online. Audience and accessibility are two such considerations.
  • 2. GOV.UK does accessibility extremely well and has some clear and useful guidance on how to do a basic accessibility check on your website.
  • 3. Everyone is having online meetings at the moment. Here’s some practical guidance on how to keep them accessible for people with disabilities.
  • 4. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 is the international standard for ensuring your content is accessible to people with disabilities. The whole set of guidelines is pretty long, but the ‘background’ section has a useful summary.

On Friday, we shared some info on privacy:

  • 1. Good data security is an ethical consideration as well as a legal one.
  • 2. One of the key tenets of GDPR is informed consent from data subjects.
  • 3. Delib operates on ‘privacy by design’, a set of principles meaning that privacy must be taken into account at every stage of developing a product or service. The IAPP has a summary of the 7 privacy by design principles.
  • 4. A page that explains the implications of COVID19 and the ‘substantial public interest’ exemption clause in GDPR. We’re seeing this exemption used more and more – this site delves into the legal specifics.

That’s it for now. This week’s topics will be survey/service design and accessibility with a focus on alt text. They’ll be shared on Delib’s Twitter and LinkedIn. If someone you know would benefit from receiving this information via email, here’s a link to the signup form.

Lastly, this is a new way of delivering information and is subject to constant revision as we learn. If you have any suggestions, Dani is Delib’s content editor and welcomes any feedback – follow her on Twitter or send her an email.

Stay safe, everyone, and have a good week.